Acid… not that one.



Undoubtedly you’ve heard about the magic of Kale and you think it’s all bullshit and or that the farmers of the world had a secret meeting to roll out the Kale-con. Apparently an acidic body causes inflammation and and alkaline body is healthier. AND greens make you more alkaline and KALE IS A GREEN KING. Here’s the thing, I like kale. I’m one of those I-like-healthy-green-stuff people, even if it’s bitter, maybe because I want to feel good at all costs. But. BUT.

I have been feeling crappy for about four months now. It started with a UTI that antibiotics didn’t get rid of for 6 weeks, that left me feeling blaaaaah.  I finally got a clean bladder bill of health and still, didn’t really feel better.

Here’s the thing. I am strong, really strong. Mentally, physically, emotionally (sometimes yes, sometimes not so much) but mostly I’m a teamster. So if you hang with me or work with me, or live with me, I still function and cook, (gourmet delights) bake, (holiday treats) decorate, clean, (house and kitty litter religiously) write, instagram, facebook, message etc etc, But. BUT. Inside I have been feeling quite shitty.

Three doctors later and a gazillion tests, it turns out, I have a virus. One of those insidious auto-immune whahwhahwhaaaa thingies that I don’t even want to know the name of. Especially since there is no medication and I hate medication because I’m too sensitive to take most things anyway and those antibiotics nearly ruined me. So I’m doing a few things that may bode to be helpful to someone else.

I have been eating sugar everyday, not huge amounts but enough. I’ve needed the comfort, period. And it works for that. But I’ve decided I need to take my body into my own hands and brain and turn this boat around and feel bettah.

And on January 1st, I will go into a mind-body over haul. I believe that my brain can cure my body, with the support of an anti-inflammatory diet and some gentle exercise and movement… and music and laughs. I will go off all sugar, gluten, coffee and smoked meats (the sugar) and start each day with lemon water and apple cider vinegar (with the mother), green tea and eat many small meals a day of green smoothies, salads, lean meats and veggies, almonds, almond butter and apples.

I’ve downloaded health hypnosis sessions onto my phone and will listen everyday. I will start back with 20 minutes of yoga stretching and breathing in my living room until I am ready to go back to class. I will meditate and convince myself I am well. I am well, I am good, I am happy, I feel awesome. I’m back to being me!! (my new cheers)

I will report in every two weeks on my improvement. Join me in this new attitude this new year. Here’s to a healthy, happy 2015!!


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