12 Reasons to say I’m sorry


Forgive. Don’t forget.

  1. It’s that time of year. A new one. Time for a clean slate.
  2. It actually creates relief, space, air, less stress… and that’s good.
  3. It’s not as hard as it seems. It’s two words.
  4. It has a very powerful message about who you are.
  5. It gives the person you are addressing, hope, about mankind. (I’m not kidding)
  6. Your wife (or husband) will remember why they love you.
  7. Its the start of a better you.
  8. Even if you don’t mean it, it will grow on you. Especially when you get rewarded for doing it. And after the guilt wears off, you might try it again and mean it.
  9. The world will see you as a good person, even for a moment
  10. It’s been way too long that this feud of sorts has been going on and you miss them. Admit it.
  11. Mostly, because they won’t do it and the angst and ugliness that lurks in both your worlds is not good, ever. It’s not even slightly worth the high of feeling better than them or just plain ole pissed off at them.

And finally, you are bigger than this dumb ass thing that’s kept you apart.

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